Congratulations to all of the newly promoted students at Jung SuWon Martial Arts Academy! Your hard work has paid off and you are now representing the next belt rank level. Continue to stay focused and work hard in your training and in your lives.
At Jung SuWon Martial Arts Academy, each of the belt ranks represents a new stepping stone and a new goal to strive for. Not only are we striving to obtain the next belt rank, but we also set forth a goal we want to achieve in our lives, whether it is to get better grades, become healthier, or whatever it might be. Take that goal with you and fertilize it in your mind and put forth the actions to make it happen.
Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim says that “Whatever we do in our lives is our personal choice. We have the power to fulfill our dreams and our goals.” Carry this quote with you throughout your life and in your training and achieve the goals you set out on. We are looking forward to the next belt testing and belt ceremony!
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