Jung Suwon Martial Arts

For Children, Adults and Families


I was asked: “Am I afraid”?

In the days before Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim tested me for my 5th Degree Black Belt level at the Jung SuWon Martial Art Academy, students asked me if I was afraid of what I had to do in the test.  One test in particular is walking on hot burning oak wood coals...

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Explained in a simple way!

The Jung SuWon Warrior Oath has 7 code of ethics and each are linked together in a specific order.  Each individual code is dependent on the previous and yields the next.  Let me explain in a very simple way. #1: Body and Mind as One:  When your body and mind are as...

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“Awakening The Power Within”.

“Awakening the power within”. During belt testing Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim takes us “to the next level”.  We are presented often times with a challenge we have never faced before.   I have watched so many times how students bring up their second wind, how they...

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Fun facts between USA and Korea.

Here are some fun facts between Korea and America.  Dial Emergency:               911 (USA), 119 (Korea) Dial Information:             411 (USA), 114 (Korea) Waving goodbye:            Wave hand side to side (USA), rotate hand left right (Korea). Open up a...

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