Jung Suwon Martial Arts

For Children, Adults and Families

Our founder, Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim shared a fantastic news about her recent book signing event in Medford, Oregon!

People from the different corner of the world come to her book signing event to have an opportunity to meet Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim. Some of them have only seen her from a front cover of a magazine with an inspiring article, watched her motivating videos online, saw her in the news and interviews on T.V or simply connected with her on social media. These people who heard her messages and felt her Can Do spirit were impacted in their lives and so people travel from different places to have a chance to see her in person to share their success stories.

One of the success stories is about someone who was feeling completely hopeless about life. This person was about to give up but when she opened Great Grandmaster’ Tae Yun Kim’s book, Seven Steps to Inner Power: How to Break Through to Awesome, and suddenly she felt awakened, motivated and inspired. That very moment changed her life completely so when she heard that Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim is having her book tour in Medford, Oregon, she couldn’t contain her excitement to go in the line to meet her.  Now, her life has completely transformed and every time she faces challenges she remembers one of the most powerful messages that Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim shares, “He can do, She Can Do, Why Not Me”

When this story was shared in Jung Suwon class, many students were inspired. We realized that we end our classes with those nine powerful words, but we take it for granted. We did not realize that saying those words really have an impact on us and people all over the world.

If you are feeling down or depressed, I encourage you to pick up your head and say to yourself, “He Can Do, She Can Do, Why Not Me” Try it!

Read more inspiring stories: Rags to Riches, Parabola