Jung Suwon Martial Arts

For Children, Adults and Families

Many people in our society invest in many skin care product from the least to the most expensive brand.

But did you know that there is something in your backyard or your nearest grocery store that have the magic to help your skin look young and smooth?

I was shocked when my mentor, Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim, shared about LEMON!

The first time I had the chance to try it! I couldn’t believe it!

First, cut the lemon in wedges, then squeeze the juice and apply to your hand. Let it dry naturally. After a few moments, Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim asked us to feel our hands not only that it cleanses, but it sure feels smoother. Her students around the world have benefited so much from this treatment especially those with some type of skin allergies or eczema. With the consistent application, this method can help main to prevent any reappearing skin issues. Not only that, but it leaves your hands looking young, smooth and healthy. Give it a try!

More links to learn new things: Inspirational, Awesome Videos, Seven Steps to Inner Power Book