Jung Suwon Martial Arts

For Children, Adults and Families

Martial Arts Wisdom: See the following definitions they are the secret to success!

To be a patient person, you will have to be patient.

To be a disciplined person, you will have to be disciplined. 

To be strong person you will have to be strong.

To be a focused person you will have to focus.

To be alert you will have to be alert.

To be aware you will have to be aware.

To be coordinated you will have to practice your coordination.

To not hate yourself you will have to not hate yourself.

To love yourself you will have to love yourself.

To find your soul mate you will have to find your soul mate.

To loose weight you will have to loose weight.

To train martial arts you will have to start training martial arts.

To reach your black belt you will have to train until you reach your black belt.

The greatest of all wisdom can therefore be said as:

If you really want to do something, you really will have to do it!