Jung Suwon Martial Arts

For Children, Adults and Families

The Jung SuWon Warrior Oath has 7 code of ethics and each are linked together in a specific order.  Each individual code is dependent on the previous and yields the next. 

Let me explain in a very simple way.

#1: Body and Mind as One:  When your body and mind are as one – you will see the truth.

#2: Truth:  When you are truthful – your awareness will be clear and you will know what to do. 

#3: Purity:  From the Truth – you will know what you need to change, to clean and to purify. 

#4: Love:  When you purify you exercise love – true taking care of yourself. 

#5: Loyalty:  When you love something – loyalty will guard and protect it.

#6: Sacrifice:  Loyalty will demand – sacrifice.

#7: Patience:  Sacrifice will test your – patience.

These 7 Code of Ethics are designed to act as both your weapon and your shield. 

They will be your armor in the quest to ultimately become the Master of your Life!